Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Dieters Guide To Buffet Eating

Buffets can be the bane of a dieter's existence. So many foods, so puny nutritional information; it's no wonder many dieters avoid buffets altogether.

But sometimes you just can't turn down an invitation. If your friends and family want to take you to a buffet, don't panic! Just eat smart, and remember these helpful do's and don'ts for buffet dining:

Do have a healthy snack before you leave home.

Buffets are designed to make you eat and keep you eating. The colors, smells, and sheer collection of dishes appeals to the human appetite. Don't make it worse by showing up starved.

Grab a small snack before you leave home. Select something with a puny protein and fat to satisfy your hunger, like a piece of cheese or a yogurt cup.

When you lay eyes on the huge buffet, you'll be glad you ate a puny something to take the edge off of your hunger.

Do start out with a serving of salad and fruit.

Before you dive into the meat and pasta dishes, pile your plate with leafy green vegetables, fresh fruit, and low-fat cottage cheese.

The fiber from the fruits and vegetables will fill you up at a low calorie cost. cottage cheese and boiled shrimp are protein-packed low-calorie salad toppers.

If you use dressing, put it in a cup or bowl on the side rather than drizzling it all over your salad. Select a flavor with reduced calories if one is available, or use a puny olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

Do get plentifulness of lean protein.

For your protein, Select simple lean meats like grilled or roasted chicken, or lean cuts of steak. If you're at a morning meal buffet, look for low-fat alternatives like turkey bacon and turkey sausage.

Avoid dishes made from ground beef, like meatballs or meatloaf. They could comprise lots of hidden fat and calories. Likewise with fried chicken or smothered steaks. Breading and sauces can add a lot of calories to an entree.

Do get a cup of soup to fill you up.

A warm cup of soup can help fill you up faster. Select a broth-based soup that contains plentifulness of vegetables. At a Chinese buffet, hot and sour soup is a good selection because it contains vegetables and protein-rich tofu, and its bold flavor fast satisfies your cravings.

Do practice discretion at the potato bar.

An average-sized baked potato contains about 80 calories. Large baked potatoes like those found at buffets could de facto comprise two or three times that amount.

Still, potatoes aren't bad in and of themselves, and their skins comprise important fiber and nutrients. If you eat one, Select healthy toppings like fat-free sour cream, chives, and salsa.

Avoid piling your potato sky-high with cheese, chili, and bacon. Those toppings are typically high in fat and calories.

Don't load up on fried foods and creamy sauces.

Speaking of calorie-dense foods: Deep fried anything is bad news at a buffet. Chinese and southern-style buffets are notorious for their many fried offerings. The best thing you can do is pretend they don't exist.

While you're at it, turn a blind eye to heavy cream-based sauces, or any dish drenched in butter or cheese. There are plentifulness of tasty, healthier alternatives to Select from.

Don't go crazy at the dessert bar.

If you made healthy choices throughout your buffet meal, don't undo your good work by gorging on desserts. It's de facto tempting; there are just so many to Select from! But there are ways to enjoy a yummy treat without going overboard on calories.

Many buffets offer low-fat frozen yogurt and chocolate syrup. Add some nuts or sprinkles, and you've got a surprisingly virtuous dessert. (Just pay attentiveness to your measure size!)

If you see a sweet dish you just can't live without, serve yourself a very small measure of it, or share some with a friend.

Don't keep eating just to get your money's worth.

Buffets can be pricey, which causes some habitancy to eat beyond the point of satiety in order to get their money's worth.

Just accept that fact that you might be paying a puny more than usual, but that the price does not obligate you to overeat. If you have an enjoyable feel at the buffet, you'll have gotten your money's worth.

right here A Dieters Guide To Buffet Eating right here

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