Thursday, August 2, 2012

Small Changes Yield Big Results

#1. Small Changes Yield Big Results

Small Changes Yield Big Results

Over 60% of Americans are now obese or morbidly obese. This is a dreadful estimate and yet it could be drastically reduced if we all made a few small changes to our way of eating. I am not talking about starvation diets or drastic surgical procedures, merely being more aware of what we are putting into our bodies and manufacture a few modifications here and there.

Small Changes Yield Big Results

It goes without saying that we should avoid fast food at all costs. It is just plain bad for you. Even their best attempts at "healthy options" are loaded with fat. The salad may look okay but the copious amounts of dressing that it happily swims in is a recipe for disaster. The same applies to soda. It is nothing more than water, sugar and bubbles, it's bad for both the waistline and the teeth, so don't drink it.

We can, however, make a important inequity in our diet by manufacture a few small changes. Substitution and modification are the key to success here. Here is an example of something that I do every time I go to Starbucks. I like the white chocolate mocha, now a regular tall with whipped cream has 420 fat and a whopping 20 grams of fat. I order a tall, non-fat, no whipped with half syrup. Non-fat saves 120 fat and 10 grams of fat, no whipped saves 100 fat and 5 grams of fat and half syrup saves 40 fat and 5 grams of fat. So My version has 160 fat and zero fat, and it tastes great. I normally get this once a month or so.

This can be applied to most things that we eat or drink, it just requires a bit of effort on our part. Here are a few easy ideas:

* Switch to 1% milk, you will cut out 6 grams of fat per 8 fl. Oz

* Use ground turkey instead of ground beef

* Replace oil/fat with unsweetened apple sauce when baking

* Order salad dressing on the side, dip fork into dressing before stabbing salad

* Drink plain water flavored with lemon or lime slices

* Grill, bake, broil, steam, poach or saute... Never fry anything

* Eat broth based soups rather than cream based

* Order tomato based sauces for pasta rather than cream or cheese based

* Make your own pizza, top with lots of veggies and use reduced fat mozzarella to top it

* Use chicken stock in place of butter when mashing potatoes

* When preparation meat, trim All visible fat

* Restrict red meat consumption to once a week, eat fish or go vegetarian for a day

* Use light or fat free cheeses

* Add lots of herbs and spices for flavor, they are simply fat free

* When scrambling eggs, use 3 egg whites and one yolk, buy the liquid egg whites

* Replace ice-cream with fruit sorbet

* Use light or fat free mayo and salad dressings. All the time serve dressing on the side

As you can see, this is not rocket science. It takes a small bit of thought and a small bit of effort but manufacture these small changes will yield Big results.

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