Friday, August 31, 2012

Trash From Your Diet

A reader asked about my record describing the contents of the trash of my overweight house guest who stayed with me recently. The record showed how trash contents could retell no ifs ands or buts why man is overweight, like my houseguest is.

The contents of his trash were all wrappers from meal transfer bars, fast food meals and beverages. In short, virtually all processed food, junk food and fast food, and the same kind of beverages.

Points well taken, the reader noted. So what might the trash contents of a man on a healthier diet, like The Maui Diet, be like, she asked. My answer cuts to the core of why there is so much overweight in America and the world today. I only ask that you keep an open mind as you read my answer. At the same time, ask and no ifs ands or buts answer where you are with regard to the diet I recommend.
I say this because so many population are so far off of a wholesome diet that they cannot even perceive what the diet I suggest is all about. What The Maui Diet is all about is eating a plant-based diet of whole, fresh, natural foods. That is, foods as grown.

Put another way, if man made it, do not eat it.

That is huge. Most population do not want to hear that.

Chances are, if you are a typical American, most of what you eat is man made. Packaged foods. Pre-made frosty or ready-to-eat meals. Cans of soup. Hamburger and fries. Chicken nuggets. Snack foods. A so-called wholesome sandwich made with turkey, cheese and tomato on a refined grain bun. Foods from bags, like cheese puffs, corn chips, potato chips, crackers, etc., along with the so-called wholesome varieties from the health food store. Cookies, doughnuts, pies, pastries and other baked goods. Canned, frosty or fresh fish or fish products. Meal transfer bars; power bars; protein shakes; meals in a can, etc.

All sorts of junk beverages, along with diet drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, designer coffee drinks and the rest. Are you tallying up your score? How are you doing so far?

Few of us get our the bulk of our food from the two most foremost sections of the store: the fresh furnish section and the bulk section with products like whole grains, beans, legumes, raw nuts, seeds, the natural foods with nothing added, nothing taken away. That is what whole means.

Fresh means if not from your own garden, then foods grown in your area, as close as possible to your store or furnish market. The closer the better. Natural means just that. Foods as grown.I cannot put it more naturally than that. Foods as they come from nature.

To drive my point home further, here is an example: a loaf of enriched flour bread with words on the label like all natural, heart healthy, no added sugar, no trans fats, etc. Most population think this is a wholesome food. It is not. The enriched flour means it is not a whole grain product, but made from a flour that has had been processed and refined, then vitamins and minerals added back in, along with mega doses of slick labeling designed to convince you it is a wholesome food. Sorry, this not a wholesome food.

The newest trick from Big Food are the small snack food items, 100 calories or less. Like Oreo cookies in a snack pack. This is a pure junk food and it has nothing to do with calories. It is loaded with refined sugar; the filling is made from partially hydrogenated fat, one of the worst substances you can ingest; and the cookie is a totally refined flour product. Total junk food product.

And those two words -- food goods -- should be a dead giveaway to you by now. If you are interested in a healthy, nutritious diet that will ensure you lose fat and keep it off permanently, you will not eat any food products.

You will eat a plant-based diet of whole, fresh, natural foods. These are foods that are high in fiber, which make them naturally filling. The only foods on such a diet to be eaten in moderation are nuts. And also eating nuts sparingly, make sure they are raw nuts, not roasted.

The trash generated by the diet I recommend? Food scraps. You can feed them down your garbage disposal, feed them to your pot-bellied pig or accumulate them as compost for your garden.

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