Monday, June 25, 2012

Eat These Ten salutary Foods to cut High Blood Pressure

###Eat These Ten salutary Foods to cut High Blood Pressure###

Do you suffer from high blood pressure? Many Americans do. It's a rapidly growing health concern. For some people, high blood pressure is hereditary, for others it's due to being overweight from eating junk food that contains too many carbs and too much fat. Your physician may designate treatment for this health but you'll also want to adjust your diet to get the best results. Optimal blood pressure is at or below 120/80. Have you checked your lately? If you do have high blood pressure, it's very foremost to keep a close eye on your numbers. Some habitancy check theirs every day.

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

You may already know that the very first thing you should do is cut out the salt. Hide your salt shaker at home. Most foods already include way too much salt. You sure don't want to add any more. A great way to sell out your salt intake is to avoid fast food, heavily processed and "instant foods such as "noodles in a cup" and that kind of thing". Basically any kind of junk you take from a box, heat and eat in a few minutes should be avoided.

Here is a list of five salutary food that will help you keep your blood pressure down:

1. Foods High In Fiber: Eat lot's of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These are great for your blood pressure as well as your heart and whole health. It's best to eat them raw when inherent to get the best results.

2. Celery: Believe it or not, there is a aggregate found in celery called phthalide (3nb) that in effect help enhance blood flow. Just eating a incorporate of celery stalks a day can drastically enhance your blood pressure numbers. One good thing about celery is that it's easy to consume. Eat it raw for a salutary snack throughout the day, put it in your juicer and drink it or just add it to homemade vegetable soup.

3. Garlic: Eating fresh garlic by adding it to your meals will help lower your blood pressure. Eating garlic helps to open up your arteries, letting your blood flow easier. You have to take it on a quarterly basis for the best results. If you don't like the smell and taste of raw garlic, you can find many good natural garlic supplements at your local health food store. You can even get an "odor free" version. Less bad breath this way and worth the extra cost. One note of caution, garlic also acts as a natural blood thinner so it should not be taken by some habitancy already using blood thinning treatment or those who do not want their blood thinned. Ask your physician first if you think this applies to you.

4. Tomatoes: Eat fullness of tomatoes as they are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene lowers your blood pressure. Eat two or three fresh tomatoes a day or juice them in your juicer. If you find you can't eat that many, you can try a lycopene supplement from a health store or buy it online.

5. Foods Rich In Potassium: High blood pressure is sometimes caused by not attractive enough potassium. It's foremost not to get your sodium/potassium levels out of balance. Most habitancy get way to much sodium and nowhere near enough potassium. While potassium supplements are available, it's best to get it naturally from the salutary foods you eat. Meat, potatoes, bananas and oranges all include potassium. Don't go overboard though. Try to get a good equilibrium of potassium and sodium. Too much of either is not good. Taking the middle way is best.

6. Skim Milk: The vitamin D and calcium in skim milk work as a grand team to fight high blood pressure. Try to drink at least one or two glasses a day.

7. Unsalted Sunflower Seeds: This good tasting natural food is loaded with magnesium, an foremost substance for lowering blood pressure. Sunflower seeds are also include a good source of potassium.

8. Dark Chocolate: Don't go overboard. Just one ounce per day is enough to help keep your blood pressure down.

9. Baked Potato: A rich source of potassium which helps in verbalize permissible sodium levels in the blood. Baked is better for you than mashed due to the nutrients in the skin of the potato. Try and eat the skin and not just the inner part.

10: Spinach: This leafy green vegetable contains a lot of magnesium and potassium. If you don't like the taste of cooked spinach, just put some in your salad. It tastes good this way. As an added benefit, it also has quite a bit of fiber it too.

These ten foods will go a long way in helping you to lower your blood pressure. Try them for a incorporate of weeks and see how easy it is to lower your blood pressure with these all natural, salutary and tasty foods.

Eat These Ten salutary Foods to cut High Blood Pressure

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