Monday, September 10, 2012

10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make!

No.1 Article of Easy Baked Potato Soup Recipe

Okay, you've whether gotten married or are planning to pretty soon. Congratulations! I'm sure you're aware that this means you will be responsible for at least half the meals you and your loved one will eat from here on out! Not to mention future children, your visiting house members and - of course - inlaws.

A while back, one of my young daughters (who I hope wasn't getting any ideas), asked me which 10 recipes I belief every newly married someone should be able to make. After thinking, off and on, about it for a few days, I came up with what I believe are the top ones. Before we get to the recipes, I'd like to just share a few words that would have made life a lot easier on me had someone shared them with me when I first began cooking!

Easy Baked Potato Soup Recipe

Cooking is an art. It isn't a chore to be endured or a duty to get out of the way. It truly can be one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you'll ever do. Just like most things, anything who wants to come to be good at it can. anything who wants to come to be great at it can. There's an aged Chinese Proverb that says, "The only variation between a good housekeeper and a bad one is an hour a day." I took the liberty to edit the proverb to tell you, "The only variation between a good cook and a bad one is an hour a day." If you make up your mind to come to be a great cook and dedicate even just one hour a day to honing your skills, you'll earn your apron's stripes!

10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make!

A few things you should always remember:

Never leave the kitchen when you're baking cookies or biscuits. I wouldn't recommend ever wandering away from the kitchen while cooking, but when it's something like cookies or biscuits, doing so is regularly disastrous. They're just finding for a think to burn and take your departure as the open door they need.

When getting cookbooks, go to the used bookstores - or check online auctions or The cookbooks that were written in the 70s and 80s were some of the best. You'll find ingredients you've genuinely heard of, for one thing, plus they tend to have more of the basic recipes you'll need for starting out.

Watch Food Tv! It is genuinely addictive, and even more informative. I'd recommend you not ever, under any circumstances, miss an lesson of Paula Deen's "Paula's Home Cooking", Rachel Ray's "30 tiny Meals" or Alton Brown's "Good Eats". They're the top, in my opinion. After you're more customary with your way nearby the pots and pans, you'll be ready for Emeril, but you have to work up to him!

Now, to the top ten recipes you'll need. whether consult some of those cookbooks I told you about, or a website, such as or, or ask discrete house members for their popular recipes for each. They'll get a real kick out of that. Plus, if you happen to ask an inlaw for their popular recipes, you'll get off on an especially agreeable note!


1. French Toast and Pancakes. Nothing will impress him or her quite like a tall, warm stack of appetizing pancakes with butter melting off the sides.

2. Egg dishes: Scrambled, fried and poached. Note: When cooking eggs, remove them from the skillet before they genuinely look fully done. They continue cooking even after they're removed to the platter.

3. Buttermilk Biscuits. Buttermilk in a recipe makes everything instantly better. whether it's biscuits, pancakes or cornbread, it's nearnessy improves the flavor ten-fold.

4. Great coffee. You genuinely must be able to make a sensational pot of coffee. Do your research, try out dissimilar beans and always, always grind your own coffee. You can get a abrasive for under .00, and it will be 20 of the wisest dollars you ever invest.


5. Hamburgers and their cousin, Cheeseburgers. I'll let you in on a house secret, a tiny garlic salt is the variation between, "Honey, this is good." and "Wow! My mom (dad) never made burgers like this!"

6. At least one genuinely good homemade soup. I know, the tiny red and white cans are awfully favorable (and you'll find about 10 in my own pantry), but being able to make a sensational potato or vegetable soup is a great big feather in your culinary cap.


7. Fried Chicken. Back to the Buttermilk for a minute, soaking your chicken in buttermilk (in the fridge) for about an hour before coating and frying makes for a juicier, more flavorful meat.

8. Mashed potatoes. Never. Under. Any. Circumstances. Use. Instant. Potatoes. Don't even look their way in the store. Peel, boil, and mash your potatoes with milk, butter and....pssst, another house secret, sour cream. It's worth the effort.

9. Yeast rolls. Okay, I'll admit it, these aren't as easy to make as the other 10 or so foods talked about here. That's because yeast is tempermental. It can be likened to Goldilocks, of all things. It gets angry if the liquid is too hot, it gets angry if the liquid is too cold. It wants it just right, and when the temperature isn't just right, whereas Goldie laid down, your bread will lie down. Flat rolls. Ugly rolls.

10. (3-way tie!) Chocolate Chip Cookies, Apple Pie and Your sweetheart's popular cake. Expert the desserts and even when the main meal isn't up to par it'll be okay. The last thing a someone eats, after all, is the thing they'll most recall. You know the saying, all's well that end's well.

Congratulations, good luck, and have fun. It may sound like something out of a 1940s cookbook, but that genuinely is the biggest secret. To most things in life, actually.

these details 10 Dishes Every New Bride or Groom Must Know How to Make!

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