Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Make a Balanced Meal in a Hurry

For all you busy Moms who can't find the time to master the art of roasting and basting and chopping and sauteeing to get a meal on the table like your mum used to make, take heart.  I have some short cuts to offer so you can get a healthy meal on the table in just 30 minutes.

What is a wholesome meal?  reconsider the following characteristics: you want sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fats, and moderation so you don't go overboard on any one of these; you want collection so there's a good chance of getting fullness of vitamins, minerals and fiber in each day; a balanced meal will have a small measure of meat, fish, or chicken and a hefty side of vegetables along with a side of starch; and you don't want your family to have loads of extra fat every night at dinner that can lead to obesity and all the risks it brings.

If you've been counting on fast food drive through windows and going out to grab something quick most nights, you can see why these haven't been wholesome meals: they rarely include fruits or vegetables; they're heavy on the starch (usually a sandwich plus fries); high in fat (from fries, mayonnaise and other sauces, and higher-fat cuts of meat or fried chicken/fish entrees); and as a result they are high in calories.  Plus, there isn't a lot of collection if you're ordering the same items often while a typical week.

The solution?  Find ways to get a balanced meal on the table almost every night without taking hours our of your day using these shortcuts:

1) Try uncomplicated recipes that include all the components of a wholesome meal in one dish.  There are many casseroles with pasta and rice that include a protein food and a vegetable as well.  Examples of this would be a chicken and rice casserole with mixed veggies contained, or shrimp and pasta with spinach tossed in.  For many casserole dishes you toss all the ingredients in a dish and place it in the oven for 30-45 minutes and, voila!  dinner is served.  It doesn't take much time to prepare, but you do have to be home an hour before dinner to let the casserole cook. 

Other options include crock-pot recipes that are also very simple, and take just a few minutes to pour together at the beginning of the day.  The crock pot stews your dinner for 5-8 hours while the day and you come home to a cooked meal.  If the method doesn't call for any vegetables, modify it and throw some in!

Check sites like Campbell's soup for many of these fast and easy recipes.

2) One of the fastest ways to cook meat, fish, or chicken is using the George Foreman grill.  almost any entree can be cooked in less than six or seven minutes: hamburger, chicken breast, fish steak, beef steak, or pork chop.  It gets cooked all the way through with no mess, no fuss, no saucepans, and easy clean-up. 

You can season with your beloved combination of spices or you can marinate the meat in the refrigerator while the day while you're busy out of the house.  To equilibrium the meal, add a side of your family's selection of icy vegetables: these can be microwaved in less than six or seven minutes as well!  And the starch side can be made instantly, literally: rice, cous cous,  stuffing, mashed potatoes, even mashed sweet potatoes can be fixed as fast as it takes to boil water and "let sit 5 minutes".  Then you have a balanced meal on the table in less than 10 minutes... And it's low in fat in fat since you haven't fried any of the foods served,  So far, you've vastly improved over driving through to big up a bag of burgers and fries.

3) Take advantage of the deli counter in the supermarket.  Most of the time you can find some tasty entrees that are ready with minute added fat.  Of course, you want to avoid the fried chicken and creamy coleslaw and stuffed potatoes.  But it's easy to find roast chicken (usually whole chickens are ready for just or in most grocery stores) or sliced ham that you can just bring home and serve with your own fast and wholesome side dishes (see #2).

4) Get in extra cusine with wholesome desserts.  There are some easy recipes that merge peaches, pears, apples, berries and other fruits.  It takes a few minutes to put together some type of crust or crumble and briefly bake these cobbler-type dishes.  sell out some of the fat and sugar the recipes call for and you'll be serving your family more vitamins and fiber and less fat and fat for a tasty way to get in an extra serving of fruit. 

Another way to get fullness of nutrients into your family's diet is to make smoothies with fresh fruit and low-fat milk.  Cut the fruit into chunks and frost at least a day ahead of time.  Then, put a cup or two of fruit in a blender and add milk to cover.  The result is a smoothie the kids will love that is chock full of calcium and vitamins.  No need to add whatever fancy or sweet--it'll taste great, naturally.

There are many uncomplicated ways to get your family low-fat entrees, a wholesome estimate of starch for energy-yielding carbohydrates, and vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables.  You don't have to be a genius in the kitchen or a talented chef!  Keep chicken tenderloins, ground beef, instant rice and potato boxes, and fullness of icy fruit and vegetables on hand:  Any night you need a healthy, balanced meal in a hurry you'll be able to whip one up in less than a half hour.  Providing wholesome meals for you and your family instead of those high in fat and low in cusine is someone else notch in your belt for being a great Mom!

great post to read How to Make a Balanced Meal in a Hurry great post to read

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